thank you to everyone who made our 2022/23 successes possible!
together, let's bring more smiles to kids with cancer.
At the Pablove Foundation, we approach pediatric cancer at the intersection of art and science.
Pablove Shutterbugs provides a distraction from cancer treatment and encourages youth to hone in on creating art that is beautiful and powerful. Our classes are designed to provide a sense of normalcy back into the lives of the students and families. It is important that we teach children the art of photography and help to improve their lives and instill a new sense of joy.
Impacting the Whole Family
“My daughter’s life has been impacted forever through Pablove Shutterbugs. To our family, Pablove has meant happy times, smiles, hidden talents revealed, and union.”
Shutterbugs Parent

Healing The Heart
“It was a distraction for me while going through my cancer treatment. To me photography is an escape; an escape from work, school, people, and life in general. It helps me take my mind off things. When I take pictures, I’m focused on the object/person. Photography has helped me to be more positive in life”
Shutterbugs Student
A Future of Learning
“My son is really taking to his photography more and more. He and I talk about composition dynamics and elements beyond what is covered in class, as in he keeps wanting to learn and explore after the session is over! He is able to identify and talk about shapes, movements, rhythms, and textural juxtapositions at a level that seems well beyond elementary school, much less first grade.”
Shutterbugs Parent
Powered by Pablove Seed Grants and Accelerator Award invest in and advance cutting-edge pediatric cancer research to qualify investigators for even larger grants, federal funding and clinical trial.
Funding Where It's Needed
We're committed to funding the best ideas, wherever they may be. Since 2011 The Pablove Foundation has awarded 50 seed grants to 40 creative researchers at 33 different institutions around the world. That's a lot of brilliant minds working towards transforming the future of pediatric cancer care.

Bridging the Gap
A Powerful Investment
Our Powered by Pablove researchers leverage every dollar wisely! These scientists have raised an additional $12.7 Million in extended funding. That's an impressive 384% ROI!
This makes Pablove's net total funding impact over $16 Million dollars in solving pediatric cancer.

Pablove Prints
where it all comes together
Our mission comes full circle when the sales of Pablove Prints — photos taken by Shutterbugs students — fund a $50,000 seed grant. Our mission empowers kids and teens living with cancer to advocate for themselves and their peers by directly funding research with their work.